I am reminded of this statement as I realize how quickly my time has flown this summer, especially since June 12 when our dossier was handed in. During this time, I prepared the kids for end of school activities then camp. I shopped, bought and planned for my trip to Italy. Italy flew by and…
Author: Stephanie Karp
If You’re Out There by John Legend
We finally had a chance to get a little more air time. I know that meeting what I consider good friends through my blog seems so unique but Eddie is someone I actually met through YouTube, which I think, in terms of really unique ways to meet someone, tops the cake PS. Please pause…
Conversations with Gary
As the reality sets in that in just a few months we will board a plane to meet the little boy I have been dreaming about, I have many emotions to manage. I feel happy and excited and that is my number one feeling. I feel nervous a bit too — how will I manage…
Family Discussions
Emma has been bringing up the idea of a baby brother a lot. Today, Emma was hugging and kissing Eden and I commented on how loving she was and what a big sister. She said “I know! I just want to do this to a brother already!!” At night before bed, both girls were telling…
Family of Four photos
When I look at these photos from our recent August trip to Beaches Turks and Caicos, I can’t help but imagine images of a little boy filling in the empty spaces. Next year …. G-d willing, next year.
Home Stretch!
I just got wonderful news today that our dossier has left the Kazakhstan Consulate in Washington, DC and is on its way to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Almaty, Kazakhstan! This means that our paperwork is finally heading to the country, and eventually the region, where our little boy waits. As I filled in…
Over – Caffeinated, PMS-y and Introspective – what a happy package
It’s 12:30 pm and my mind is wired from my Iced Mocha Latte that I had earlier this afternoon. I feel like I have nothing particular to say right now that hasn’t already been said and I’m going to try to just write stream of conscious and see what emerges. I have to try to…
That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles …
Those who know me a very long time know that I’ve been lamenting my inability to complete an exercise or a healthy eating regime for too long of a time. Long ago, I was athletic and fit — genetics and movement played a role and in general, I was fairly trim. Though I am not…
Today I found out that our dossier has made it to the Ministry of Education!!! This means that the very next step is Region Assignment, where we are assigned the city/town in which our son lives now. From there, it will be a matter of the stars aligning properly for us to travel and meet…