When I worry about all the goals on my To-Do list that need to met, I am reminded that the biggest goal is to become a family to a little boy. When I worry about how am I ever going to get it all done, I am reminded that I will get it done, I…
Category: The Process
Uplifting Words
In the midst of one of my most stressed out days ever, there was also some good (my brother and SIL agreeing to watch my kids for many hours this afternoon while I accomplished huge things from my Adoption To Do was a huge one), and another good moment came in the form of an…
Steph’s In Perspective End of Day Grats
I am grateful that this day is over. I am grateful that in between stress, I had moments of calm. I am grateful for the amount I accomplished today. I am grateful for my brother who took my kids for many hours today, a bonus, as it would have been too much to accomplish all…
Our LOI (Letter of Invitation) has arrived!! And with shaking hands, sweaty palms and extremely sweaty pits, I announce that we are to leave in approximately 7-10 days. I can not get a hold of Gary, he’s at a meeting and unable to answer his phone. I need to speak to himmmmmm!!!!!! I received “The…
Click Click Click Click Click Click
This is the sound of my roller coaster car at the pinnacle … I am so very close. This week has been a whirlwind … Despite a fellow blog reader thinking she saw me and my family in Frankfurt this week, no, that was not me. We are still here in Brooklyn busy as bees…
Packing and Getting Ready
I am wiped out! My adrenaline was on overdrive for now what is about a week, and literally, my body is conking out. I told Emma and Eden yesterday I was going upstairs to rest for 20 minutes. It was 5:15 pm. I wound up sleeping for 3.5 hours, sleeping through what would have been…
I have spent the last two days reading over my blog from Day 1. It seems so clear now, the trajectory my life was taking. I am so grateful I had the notion to begin this blog over two years ago when I was not yet decided, had so many unknowns, still had much to…
Final Apostilles Packed in Carry on Bag
Yesterday I spent 3 hours with my dad going to our local notary (thanks Peggy and Devorah!), driving to downtown Brooklyn and then over the Brooklyn Bridge to downtown Manhattan to go to the various county and state offices of New York, including the Supreme Court building, to pass through metal detectors and then notarize,…
Warm At Last!
I almost didn’t go with Gary to buy his jacket which means we almost didn’t have a wonderful joyful experience TOGETHER where the owner of the shop found out that we were adopting, shook our hands, joyously told us his own sister was adopted and then said “10% off your whole order! You’re adopting!” Well,…
The Waiting
Do you know we were actually supposed to leave today? And then we were rescheduled to leave Friday? But for now, as I type this, with my bags ready by the door and me more ready than I have ever been, I sit and wait. And, since news this morning, will now likely wait for…