grateful list kazakhstan adoption Archives - Stephanie Karp Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:58:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 grateful list kazakhstan adoption Archives - Stephanie Karp 32 32 185097300 Gratefulicious Sun, 04 Oct 2009 04:31:00 +0000 I am grateful for a home that is getting more uncluttered every day. Action steps daily towards seeing more surfaces. I am grateful for … dare I say it … admitting this might be a nesting instinct. I am grateful for tomorrow’s plans to tell Emma and Eden the good news … having no gimmicks,...

The post Gratefulicious appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

I am grateful for a home that is getting more uncluttered every day. Action steps daily towards seeing more surfaces.

I am grateful for … dare I say it … admitting this might be a nesting instinct.

I am grateful for tomorrow’s plans to tell Emma and Eden the good news … having no gimmicks, just facts and excitement, but knowing it will come out as it was meant to.

I am grateful to be only a calendar flip away.

I am grateful for realities, fears, emotions, sadness, fear, worry, fear, worry, fear, worry, happiness, happiness, happiness feelings which let me know I’m so close.

I am grateful to feel hopeful that it will work out (for everyone) exactly as it was meant to.

I am grateful for wonderful friends who are like family.

I am grateful for a long visit today with my two college roomies — for extreme comfort, for our children playing together, for hardy mums and large pumpkins at a great price.

I am grateful for an experience which prepared me, broke me open, humbled me, softened me, strengthened me.

I am grateful for hearing Gary talking on the phone planning with a work related situation for when we are out of the country.

I am grateful for finding and seeing an unbelievable homeopathic practitioner right in Park Slope, for her intuition and knowledge and for the most in-depth “doctor” visit I have ever had in my life which ended with an acupuncture session based on our 1.5 hour health discussion.

I am grateful for her “seeing” my imbalance of energy and knowing exactly what needs to be done to bring me to a normal level going forward, especially for my growing family.

I am grateful for always seeking opportunities and assistance outside of the box.

I am grateful for company tomorrow forcing me to clean, clean, clean!

I am grateful for my family of four – for all that I am, all that I have and all that is most certain to be.

I am grateful, in advance, for a healthy, attached, bonded, joyous family of five.

I am grateful for a tiny photo I ripped out of a magazine that will be my portable vision board for what might be … I’m looking at it right now and my heart is smiling.

Here are some photos from 9.9.09 — First day of school for Emma (Day 2 for Eden) and also my 37th birthday in which I made a very special wish for all that is most important to me.

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Steph’s In Perspective End of Day Grats Tue, 27 Oct 2009 03:20:00 +0000 I am grateful that this day is over. I am grateful that in between stress, I had moments of calm. I am grateful for the amount I accomplished today. I am grateful for my brother who took my kids for many hours today, a bonus, as it would have been too much to accomplish all...

The post Steph’s In Perspective End of Day Grats appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

I am grateful that this day is over.

I am grateful that in between stress, I had moments of calm.

I am grateful for the amount I accomplished today.

I am grateful for my brother who took my kids for many hours today, a bonus, as it would have been too much to accomplish all I did with me.

I am grateful my own doctor and the kids’ pediatrician gave me antibiotics for our travels to Kazakhstan, should we need them, and they are all packed away.

I am grateful for the huge amount of Rite Aid medication already packed away for the trip.

I am grateful for Lea and her amazing advice tonight about so many details of the trip, restaurants, people I’ll be working with, visa application and more.

I am grateful that even though I wasted over an hour in the Police Dept today waiting for fingerprints to take place that never did, they will take place at 9am tomorrow without a problem.

I am grateful for my doctor giving me a last minute appointment tonight at 8:30 pm to come in to get a medical exam for the report i will need.

I am grateful to have found an international adoption specialist to trust that will do wonders for my peace of mind while in Kaz.

I am grateful that the kids and I are taking natural healing herbs to boost our immunity and so far it’s working. Eden was one of 5 kids in school today when there are usually 22. I hope she stays strong!

I am grateful that the scary dreams I am having the past three nights are just irrational fears manifesting themselves in the night.

I am grateful for Lea’s reminding me what a beautiful experience it was to meet her son.

I am grateful for Sharon’s gentle reminder to take care of myself.

I am grateful for the Simon’s gift of music and their inspiration.

I am grateful I can always talk to my mom and vent, even though I feel I vent entirely too much.

I am grateful that it’s just gonna be a crazy few weeks of preparation and I’ll get through it.

I am grateful to be open and honest about my experiences. They are human experiences after all.

I am grateful that this is all just “stuff” — the important thing is a little boy who has yet to find out he has a mom and a dad and two big sisters waiting to love him.

I am grateful for the calm I feel right now, putting it all in perspective.

I am grateful for my conviction and great big heart.

I am grateful for my Family of 5, slowly but surely, making its way into being.

I am grateful for all of you.


The post Steph’s In Perspective End of Day Grats appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

Grateful List Tue, 24 Nov 2009 15:33:00 +0000 I am grateful for a quiet day yesterday and today and for not pushing my limits. I am grateful I cooked a nice dinner early last night and everyone was cozy in PJs by 5:30 pm, with faces washed and guitars practiced. It was the perfect chilly day for this. I am grateful for being...

The post Grateful List appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

I am grateful for a quiet day yesterday and today and for not pushing my limits.

I am grateful I cooked a nice dinner early last night and everyone was cozy in PJs by 5:30 pm, with faces washed and guitars practiced. It was the perfect chilly day for this.

I am grateful for being able to attend the kids’ Thanksgiving parties in the next couple of days.

I am grateful for a lovely letter (and gift) written by Julie, our adoption coordinator sharing her thoughts about our delay and saying she knows it will be worth it in the end.

I am grateful for realizing my limits and taking it easy because for too long I was going non-stop. I am grateful for this respite.

I am grateful for time spent at home, much appreciated and much needed.

I am grateful for READING so much — as I have found books that entice me so much I get into bed earlier to read.

I am grateful for well behaved kids (appreciating and acknowledging when it happens!)

I am grateful for de-cluttering and throwing out JUNK — now the kids can actually do art at the art table. What a novel idea!

I am grateful for health and the health of my family and friends.

I am grateful for the help and companionship of my parents.

I am grateful for a wonderful circle of family and friends who I genuinely enjoy spending time with.

I am grateful for amazing life long friendships that are my support system and wonderful opportunities for new friendships.

I am grateful that I overheard my kids talking about what they are grateful for and they both said “I am grateful for Baby Brother.” I am grateful they include him in everything we talk about about our family. He is a valued part of our family already.

I am grateful there is a genuine love for this boy who we have yet to meet.

I am grateful for having FAITH — yes, I absolutely have it now.

I am grateful to know that it is all in God’s time and soon enough my already packed suitcases will be brought out from the basement and we’ll be ready to rock and roll.

I am grateful for my family of five, slowly but surely, steadily and consistently, lovingly and absolutely, crazily and kook-ily, coming into being.

I am grateful for this upcoming Thanksgiving with family — and an opportunity to pause and realize I feel GRATEFUL and THANKFUL for something most every day (except when I’m cranky) and this is a wonderful opportunity to share it.

I am grateful for all of you!

The post Grateful List appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

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