FBI fingerprints dossier collection Kazakhstan adoption Archives - Stephanie Karp https://stephaniekarpwrites.com/category/fbi-fingerprints-dossier-collection-kazakhstan-adoption/ Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:55:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/stephaniekarpwrites.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/cropped-IMG_9715.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 FBI fingerprints dossier collection Kazakhstan adoption Archives - Stephanie Karp https://stephaniekarpwrites.com/category/fbi-fingerprints-dossier-collection-kazakhstan-adoption/ 32 32 185097300 so close, so close!! https://stephaniekarpwrites.com/2009/05/so-close-so-close/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=so-close-so-close https://stephaniekarpwrites.com/2009/05/so-close-so-close/#comments Mon, 04 May 2009 17:22:00 +0000 http://box2369.temp.domains/~tephaoz1/?p=279 With extreme caution, I just opened up a manila envelope delivered on this rainy New York day from the US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation in Clarksburg, WV. My fingerprints were finally approved!!! However, no sign of Gary’s, which is unusual as each time our prints were rejected (or approved the one time...

The post so close, so close!! appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

With extreme caution, I just opened up a manila envelope delivered on this rainy New York day from the US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation in Clarksburg, WV. My fingerprints were finally approved!!! However, no sign of Gary’s, which is unusual as each time our prints were rejected (or approved the one time (before they expired), the envelopes (separate for each of us) always arrived on the same day. I’ll see what the next day or two brings, hopefully happy news so that we can proceed. Still a few steps to go until the dossier is complete, but soo sooo sooo close, I can already taste the horse meat.

PS Just spoke to FBI Customer Service in West Virginia. Gary’s prints were indeed PROCESSED. They were sent out 3 days after my envelope, so they are coming with positive results!!

PPS About an hour after I found out that Gary’s mailing was a few days behind mine, I left my house to see more mail stuffed into my mailbox. It was a manilla envelope, soaking wet as if it had been dropped on the ground on this rainy day and found by someone perhaps. Mail does not come twice a day to my house. Well, as hoped, it was Gary’s approved FBI records! We are set to go!

Now, it’s time to complete all my third party “to-dos” which include finalizing Bank statements, letter from accountant re: finances and mortgage and getting our medical forms signed. I will soon be at the stage where I am looking at my stack of legal paperwork before me. This labor of love. Simply papers … or are they? I believe these papers and my collection of them over these long months will stand for dedication, perseverence, unwavering FAITH, conviction, stick-to-itiveness. Inches thick, this stack of papers stands for a new family ready to be born.

The post so close, so close!! appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

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