Apostille Tiffany's Bean Elsa Peretti Packing Kazakhstan Adoption Archives - Stephanie Karp https://stephaniekarpwrites.com/category/apostille-tiffanys-bean-elsa-peretti-packing-kazakhstan-adoption/ Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:58:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/stephaniekarpwrites.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/cropped-IMG_9715.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Apostille Tiffany's Bean Elsa Peretti Packing Kazakhstan Adoption Archives - Stephanie Karp https://stephaniekarpwrites.com/category/apostille-tiffanys-bean-elsa-peretti-packing-kazakhstan-adoption/ 32 32 185097300 Final Apostilles Packed in Carry on Bag https://stephaniekarpwrites.com/2009/11/final-apostilles-packed-in-carry-on-bag/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=final-apostilles-packed-in-carry-on-bag https://stephaniekarpwrites.com/2009/11/final-apostilles-packed-in-carry-on-bag/#comments Fri, 06 Nov 2009 17:01:00 +0000 http://box2369.temp.domains/~tephaoz1/?p=239 Yesterday I spent 3 hours with my dad going to our local notary (thanks Peggy and Devorah!), driving to downtown Brooklyn and then over the Brooklyn Bridge to downtown Manhattan to go to the various county and state offices of New York, including the Supreme Court building, to pass through metal detectors and then notarize,...

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Yesterday I spent 3 hours with my dad going to our local notary (thanks Peggy and Devorah!), driving to downtown Brooklyn and then over the Brooklyn Bridge to downtown Manhattan to go to the various county and state offices of New York, including the Supreme Court building, to pass through metal detectors and then notarize, certify, authenticate and apostille my Final Adoption Paperwork. I was a nervous wreck as we were supposed to do part of it yesterday and part today but my dad said “let’s do it all today because tomorrow is the Yankees parade in Downtown Manhattan” where we needed to be and no way would we want to be there with the extra million people heading into the city to participate. However, due to having some wrong birth certificates (I mistakenly brought the short form instead of long form), I was sent back to another office building through more lines of people and metal detectors where $95 and 45 minutes later, I had what I needed. That extra time, however, was the clincher because the final stop, the office where I would get the apostilles, closed at 3:30. I was running through the city streets with a folder of “my life” under my arms trying to reach my dad who was parked a few blocks away but it was 3:29 when I finally got in my father’s car to go to 123 William Street, which was about 10 blocks away. Too late, we just headed home, knowing I would take a train back to Manhattan in the morning and brave the Yankees ticker tape parade traffic.

All’s well that ends well. I was gone about 2.5 hours and I just got home with Apostilles in hand and it was not too bad at all. I passed crowds of banner waving screaming fans but I didn’t have far to walk to get back into the bowels of the city subway system where, with my folder firmly held to my chest, I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Thank you Dad for helping me — you have been instrumental in this process. I love you!!

Today my mom is coming over so we can go over the girls’ schedules and so that I can teach her how to use Skype. She helped me by picking up Eden so that I could take my time getting the Apostilles. Thank you mom for making today easy on me!!! I love you!!

Because Gary still didn’t buy his own jacket and past history has shown me that every single thing I buy him, he returns, I decided to make it easier on him by writing him a very neat and succinct packing list where I actually checked off and noted all the things I have already packed for him (toiletries and medications and various needs.) I have already loaded over 9 hours of music for him (Sinatra and Willie Nelson and The Beatles and Tony Bennett) onto my new iPod Touch for him. What a gadget! I bought him books to read but he made me return all 5 of them because he didn’t like my selections — he’s not a reader but I’m just trying to help him avoid any boredom so I thought these autobiographies would be good. Another reason why I just need him to buy his jacket already. He has long arms because he’s almost 6’4″ so he really needs to be the one trying on his stuff. Anyhoo, as Regina said, it just takes him going into one store. Problem is, today is Friday and he gets home about 11 pm on Friday nights. And he works from 9am to 3am (yes, AM) on Saturdays and on Sunday, he will be home at 7pn from his showcase. He has no time. We might be leaving Monday or Tuesday. I don’t even know yet.

Hmmm…. I guess I will buy him his jacket after all. Saturday perhaps.

I just needed to vent. All will be good. This is just about packing, the nonsense of it.

I’m talking about a little boy … the HEART of it.

When I was pregnant with Emma, Gary bought me a small Elsa Peretti “bean” necklace from Tiffany’s because I used to call what was in my belly a tiny growing bean. It symbolized growth to me, and according to the Tiffany’s website, the bean is the “origin of all things.” I wore the necklace as a new mom and for many years and I put it back on when I was pregnant with Eden and as a new mom to her. Yesterday, I found the necklace and placed it around my neck to wear for the duration of our adoption process and beyond. And, this morning when my mom saw it, she cried.

The post Final Apostilles Packed in Carry on Bag appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

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