Almaty Travel Adoption Kazakhstan Archives - Stephanie Karp Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Wed, 11 Dec 2024 16:39:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Almaty Travel Adoption Kazakhstan Archives - Stephanie Karp 32 32 185097300 A Very Special Hannukah Present Tue, 08 Dec 2009 21:49:00 +0000 Just last night I looked at the pile of Hannukah gifts for my kids and thought, well, I guess it will be next December that a little boy will get to celebrate Hannukah for the first time. Twelve hours after that thought, my cell phone rang which changed the course of events. THIS Hannukah we...

The post A Very Special Hannukah Present appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

Just last night I looked at the pile of Hannukah gifts for my kids and thought, well, I guess it will be next December that a little boy will get to celebrate Hannukah for the first time. Twelve hours after that thought, my cell phone rang which changed the course of events. THIS Hannukah we will meet our little boy!! This means, I will have a special gift for him to open on the day we arrive and he will be the special present for us. There was no kidding around when I was told “Expect the Unexpected!” It’s off to re-pack my electronics, my clothing, my carry on snacks and purchase books on my new Kindle that just arrived today. I still have a few days left here and I am taking Eden to see her first Broadway show tomorrow (Shrek The Musical.) It’s time to give my parents back the clothing for the kids, organize the birthday parties and playdates, purchase my winter boots to prepare for a bitter Siberian-style winter, rearrange the holiday parties, brunches and plans we had in store for us this month. It’s time to get ready to meet our little boy later than we originally had planned and now sooner than we thought. But if I am to believe what I have slowly learned to trust this past year, then this is exactly the timing for the right little boy to enter our family and change our lives forever. See you on the other side everyone!! It’s finally our turn to make The Karp Family of 5 a reality!!

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74 Days Thu, 08 Apr 2010 04:05:00 +0000   This video came as a result of my worrying that Major would not remember us after 74 days apart. It includes photos and video of the first moments together after our separation. I would have posted sooner but I had audio copyright issues and only edited the video today to correct this.   Seeing...

The post 74 Days appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

This video came as a result of my worrying that Major would not remember us after 74 days apart.
It includes photos and video of the first moments together after our separation. I would have posted
sooner but I had audio copyright issues and only edited the video today to correct this.
Seeing this video again today made me cry for all that Major endured. I can see the bruises on his face
from frequent falls likely and the scratch marks that were self inflicted results of his frustration. He looks
wide eyed and unsure. Though happy to see us and definitely comfortable, he was also wary and
reluctant as if he didn’t know what to make of our return.
I don’t remember this little boy. But I want to. And need to. To remember and honor his beginnings
will only make his triumphs, big and small, that much more remarkable. It makes me so happy for where
we stand now, two weeks home and almost one month after this video was taken. So much more to grow
and learn from, but amazingly, so much accomplished … emotionally, physically, lovingly. Simultaneously
it breaks my heart for those left behind. There are a few children at the end of this video here from Major’s
group … and I think of where they would be now with just a little love and one on one attention. I hope
they get it soon …

The post 74 Days appeared first on Stephanie Karp.

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