When thought of a possible snafu actually made me think for a second that perhaps the possibility of an adoption would not be able to take place, my heart clutched at the thought. All was clarified finally and I breathed a sigh of relief and then realized, my god, I’m really emotionally invested in this! I *WANT* this badly! This little unnamed boy definitely has a spot in this family when he is finally born, because I don’t think he’s born just yet.
Anyway, Gary had a meeting about office space and various plans and it seems that he’s not just talking about lessening his work load, he’s taking ACTION. This is a slow week, he’s coming home at normal hours, going to bed earlier than usual … I begin to feel that this semblance of normalcy is what I needed to confirm my thoughts.
So last night I said to Gary, I want to do this. I’m really serious and I just need to know your thoughts. What number are you at now? (We had been gauging his interest on a number level 1-100 and I’ll have you know we started with Gary at a 10.) Well, I know this isn’t a numbers game. This is about family, real lives, love, people, OUR family. But for now the numbers are important, because he said emphatically “SIXTY!”
You of course know that over 50, you have passed the hump and you are pretty much there. And now to hear 60 was like WOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!
We have plans to meet some other friends of the blogworld who live nearby (in CT, but that’s about 1 hour which is a nice drive for us) at the end of next month. I emailed an agency we are considering strongly that I would contact her in the next month or so just to see what her thoughts are about us traveling in the summer of 2009. I think that timing works for us as a family (age wise) and to make it easier for Gary work wise. I feel odd about orchestrating so much in that regard, but if this is meant to be, the right child will be waiting for us at that time.
So these are our thoughts now. We have definitely and triumphantly passed over the hump. Kazakhstan …. here we come.