Comments on: NYET! NYET! NO BITING! Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 17:00:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: . Sat, 19 Dec 2009 23:38:30 +0000 Yup, I agree with the others, it would NOT be an extremely terrible thing if he bit your daughters and he probably will. I returned from Kazakhstan with our daughter 15 days ago and her biting (which was a "surprise" for us – she never did it with us or anyone else in our presence at the Baby House) stopped about a week ago. We just continually addressed it – telling her firmly no, catching her RIGHT before she did it often (we knew what the triggers were quickly) and then having her do something "good" with the bitee – i.e. simulating a hug with them instead (putting her arms around them) or rectifying the issue she was upset about in a better manner. She gets it now. And her relationships with her brothers are none the worse for wear at all. I'm not naive to think there will never ever be anymore biting, but it is definitely WAY better now – like I said, nothing in about 7 days. Also, I guess it's most common for them to go for the youngest one above them – their closest "competition," which, in our family is our 2 1/2 year old (who is only 7 months older than our daughter from Kaz)….I guess this is a REALLY common deal. So not to worry – you'll do just fine – just be consistent and firm.
Shan in CO

By: . Sat, 19 Dec 2009 23:38:30 +0000 Yup, I agree with the others, it would NOT be an extremely terrible thing if he bit your daughters and he probably will. I returned from Kazakhstan with our daughter 15 days ago and her biting (which was a "surprise" for us – she never did it with us or anyone else in our presence at the Baby House) stopped about a week ago. We just continually addressed it – telling her firmly no, catching her RIGHT before she did it often (we knew what the triggers were quickly) and then having her do something "good" with the bitee – i.e. simulating a hug with them instead (putting her arms around them) or rectifying the issue she was upset about in a better manner. She gets it now. And her relationships with her brothers are none the worse for wear at all. I'm not naive to think there will never ever be anymore biting, but it is definitely WAY better now – like I said, nothing in about 7 days. Also, I guess it's most common for them to go for the youngest one above them – their closest "competition," which, in our family is our 2 1/2 year old (who is only 7 months older than our daughter from Kaz)….I guess this is a REALLY common deal. So not to worry – you'll do just fine – just be consistent and firm.
Shan in CO

By: . Sat, 19 Dec 2009 23:38:30 +0000 Yup, I agree with the others, it would NOT be an extremely terrible thing if he bit your daughters and he probably will. I returned from Kazakhstan with our daughter 15 days ago and her biting (which was a "surprise" for us – she never did it with us or anyone else in our presence at the Baby House) stopped about a week ago. We just continually addressed it – telling her firmly no, catching her RIGHT before she did it often (we knew what the triggers were quickly) and then having her do something "good" with the bitee – i.e. simulating a hug with them instead (putting her arms around them) or rectifying the issue she was upset about in a better manner. She gets it now. And her relationships with her brothers are none the worse for wear at all. I'm not naive to think there will never ever be anymore biting, but it is definitely WAY better now – like I said, nothing in about 7 days. Also, I guess it's most common for them to go for the youngest one above them – their closest "competition," which, in our family is our 2 1/2 year old (who is only 7 months older than our daughter from Kaz)….I guess this is a REALLY common deal. So not to worry – you'll do just fine – just be consistent and firm.
Shan in CO

By: Anonymous Sat, 19 Dec 2009 22:48:21 +0000 Hi there – I just stumbled onto your blog and thought I'd say Hello – we were in Almaty July-Sept 2008 meeting our beautiful daughter, also at babyhouse #3! Your pictures in the 2nd floor music room and your description of meeting your son for the first time in the BH director's office) brought back happy memories, and even tears to my eyes! I'm so happy for you and your family – your son is beautiful!
Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you'd like to chat – we can tell you where we found good restaurants and grocery stores – we had an apartment in the Samal area (close to Ramstore) on our first trip, then downtown close to TSUM on our 2nd trip. Good luck and best wishes with everything!

By: Anonymous Sat, 19 Dec 2009 22:48:21 +0000 Hi there – I just stumbled onto your blog and thought I'd say Hello – we were in Almaty July-Sept 2008 meeting our beautiful daughter, also at babyhouse #3! Your pictures in the 2nd floor music room and your description of meeting your son for the first time in the BH director's office) brought back happy memories, and even tears to my eyes! I'm so happy for you and your family – your son is beautiful!
Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you'd like to chat – we can tell you where we found good restaurants and grocery stores – we had an apartment in the Samal area (close to Ramstore) on our first trip, then downtown close to TSUM on our 2nd trip. Good luck and best wishes with everything!

By: Anonymous Sat, 19 Dec 2009 22:48:21 +0000 Hi there – I just stumbled onto your blog and thought I'd say Hello – we were in Almaty July-Sept 2008 meeting our beautiful daughter, also at babyhouse #3! Your pictures in the 2nd floor music room and your description of meeting your son for the first time in the BH director's office) brought back happy memories, and even tears to my eyes! I'm so happy for you and your family – your son is beautiful!
Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you'd like to chat – we can tell you where we found good restaurants and grocery stores – we had an apartment in the Samal area (close to Ramstore) on our first trip, then downtown close to TSUM on our 2nd trip. Good luck and best wishes with everything!

By: Lou Ann Sat, 19 Dec 2009 22:47:49 +0000 Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! He has the wonderful Kazakh eyes – so like my daughter Lexie from Aktau Kaz. I love all the pictures of you growing together as a family. I'm sure your girls will love their little brother.

I just wanted to comment on the biting. Lexie, whom I adopted at 12 months, wasn't a biter at all until she went to daycare where another child started a biting phase. She was bitten a number of times until she started biting back. I was mortify (and I have to say just the littlest bit proud that she finally stuck up for herself:) It took a while to get all the kids to stop biting because it had become a way for them to express their anger or frustration. With some positive oral rewards – I brought a bag of M&Ms and the kids got one candy for every hour that they didn't bit. Just a couple of times seeing the other kids get candy while they didn't, stopped most of the issues. Within a week it was one M&M for the whole day without biting. Clearly at his age and with the language issues he won't respond to this yet but once you have him home, if it keeps up, you should be able to stop it. But some kids institutionalized or not go through a biting stage. So don't worry to much about it. You might also ask if the other kids in his group are biting. I bet that he's not the only one. Just be firm with the Nyets and redirect him to something else. I found making a big deal about it was giving too much attention to a negative action instead of a positive. I hope this helps.

I'm just want to say how happy I am for you and your family. It's terrific knowing there will be one more Kazakh Kutie making his home in America. Aren't we all blessed?!!

Happy Holidays!
Lou Ann, mom to 3 1/2 year old Lexie from Aktau Kaz

By: Lou Ann Sat, 19 Dec 2009 22:47:49 +0000 Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! He has the wonderful Kazakh eyes – so like my daughter Lexie from Aktau Kaz. I love all the pictures of you growing together as a family. I'm sure your girls will love their little brother.

I just wanted to comment on the biting. Lexie, whom I adopted at 12 months, wasn't a biter at all until she went to daycare where another child started a biting phase. She was bitten a number of times until she started biting back. I was mortify (and I have to say just the littlest bit proud that she finally stuck up for herself:) It took a while to get all the kids to stop biting because it had become a way for them to express their anger or frustration. With some positive oral rewards – I brought a bag of M&Ms and the kids got one candy for every hour that they didn't bit. Just a couple of times seeing the other kids get candy while they didn't, stopped most of the issues. Within a week it was one M&M for the whole day without biting. Clearly at his age and with the language issues he won't respond to this yet but once you have him home, if it keeps up, you should be able to stop it. But some kids institutionalized or not go through a biting stage. So don't worry to much about it. You might also ask if the other kids in his group are biting. I bet that he's not the only one. Just be firm with the Nyets and redirect him to something else. I found making a big deal about it was giving too much attention to a negative action instead of a positive. I hope this helps.

I'm just want to say how happy I am for you and your family. It's terrific knowing there will be one more Kazakh Kutie making his home in America. Aren't we all blessed?!!

Happy Holidays!
Lou Ann, mom to 3 1/2 year old Lexie from Aktau Kaz

By: Lou Ann Sat, 19 Dec 2009 22:47:49 +0000 Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! He has the wonderful Kazakh eyes – so like my daughter Lexie from Aktau Kaz. I love all the pictures of you growing together as a family. I'm sure your girls will love their little brother.

I just wanted to comment on the biting. Lexie, whom I adopted at 12 months, wasn't a biter at all until she went to daycare where another child started a biting phase. She was bitten a number of times until she started biting back. I was mortify (and I have to say just the littlest bit proud that she finally stuck up for herself:) It took a while to get all the kids to stop biting because it had become a way for them to express their anger or frustration. With some positive oral rewards – I brought a bag of M&Ms and the kids got one candy for every hour that they didn't bit. Just a couple of times seeing the other kids get candy while they didn't, stopped most of the issues. Within a week it was one M&M for the whole day without biting. Clearly at his age and with the language issues he won't respond to this yet but once you have him home, if it keeps up, you should be able to stop it. But some kids institutionalized or not go through a biting stage. So don't worry to much about it. You might also ask if the other kids in his group are biting. I bet that he's not the only one. Just be firm with the Nyets and redirect him to something else. I found making a big deal about it was giving too much attention to a negative action instead of a positive. I hope this helps.

I'm just want to say how happy I am for you and your family. It's terrific knowing there will be one more Kazakh Kutie making his home in America. Aren't we all blessed?!!

Happy Holidays!
Lou Ann, mom to 3 1/2 year old Lexie from Aktau Kaz

By: Anonymous Sat, 19 Dec 2009 22:46:43 +0000 I am enjoying your blog more than ever!!! When I look at the video of him giggling, I giggle too…so infectious. What's with this being nauseous???? Journey to 6, maybe??? When I spoke to Mom, she said Eden wanted to know if she would make a good impression wearing Grandma Betty's pearls…I repeat all of her remarks to everyone. Be well and continue to enjoy your precious little boy!!
