Comments on: A Day of Distractions Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 17:00:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: 4texans Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:41:47 +0000 Don't worry, I had days exactly like that. It gets better (and sometimes worse 😉 ) when you get home! It's all so worth it in the end!

By: 4texans Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:41:47 +0000 Don't worry, I had days exactly like that. It gets better (and sometimes worse 😉 ) when you get home! It's all so worth it in the end!

By: 4texans Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:41:47 +0000 Don't worry, I had days exactly like that. It gets better (and sometimes worse 😉 ) when you get home! It's all so worth it in the end!

By: 4texans Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:17:01 +0000 You are doing great! You are such a good blogger, and you are so honest about how it really is over there. Keep up the good work. Regina is right on with her comments, too.

By: 4texans Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:17:01 +0000 You are doing great! You are such a good blogger, and you are so honest about how it really is over there. Keep up the good work. Regina is right on with her comments, too.

By: 4texans Thu, 24 Dec 2009 15:17:01 +0000 You are doing great! You are such a good blogger, and you are so honest about how it really is over there. Keep up the good work. Regina is right on with her comments, too.

By: Regina Thu, 24 Dec 2009 05:03:22 +0000 Don't feel guilty for having a frustrating day or three! There is a lot being asked of you, and the environment is so difficult, plus all the other stress factors. I hope things get more settled and pleasant soon!

I've been reading through your last few posts and wanted to touch on a few things. First, about the biting and mouthing. Milo was also a very oral child, just as you describe B to be. He still is, although it's mountains better. We bought him a Chewy Tube last year. There are several colors/styles, but the green one was recommended by our OT and he likes it. We bought a few. I keep one in my purse at all times and whenever he is in a stressful situation (i.e. a room full of new people) or just especially needing sensory input I give it to him. He gnaws the heck out of it.

Milo also was very active and easily distracted, as well as quickly overstimulated. This kind of restlessness and disorganization is not uncommon with kiddos coming from an institution. And boys are way more active (usually) than girls anyway! It very well could stem from sensory deprivation along with the lack of deep attachment. Plus, they are a little like wild horses in that environment. It's going to be a process to teach him to be more civilized and not so self-defensive. It's survival for them. But this is all stuff that will get better, especially once you are home, so don't fret too much about it.

Ok, I didn't mean to write a book here, but just wanted to share with you that I'm nodding my head here and wanting you to know that we went through similar behaviors with Milo. You are doing all the right things! All you can do is take it day by day.

Oh, and now you have me wondering about his name! I can't wait to hear about it!!!

Much love and good vibes sent your way!

By: Regina Thu, 24 Dec 2009 05:03:22 +0000 Don't feel guilty for having a frustrating day or three! There is a lot being asked of you, and the environment is so difficult, plus all the other stress factors. I hope things get more settled and pleasant soon!

I've been reading through your last few posts and wanted to touch on a few things. First, about the biting and mouthing. Milo was also a very oral child, just as you describe B to be. He still is, although it's mountains better. We bought him a Chewy Tube last year. There are several colors/styles, but the green one was recommended by our OT and he likes it. We bought a few. I keep one in my purse at all times and whenever he is in a stressful situation (i.e. a room full of new people) or just especially needing sensory input I give it to him. He gnaws the heck out of it.

Milo also was very active and easily distracted, as well as quickly overstimulated. This kind of restlessness and disorganization is not uncommon with kiddos coming from an institution. And boys are way more active (usually) than girls anyway! It very well could stem from sensory deprivation along with the lack of deep attachment. Plus, they are a little like wild horses in that environment. It's going to be a process to teach him to be more civilized and not so self-defensive. It's survival for them. But this is all stuff that will get better, especially once you are home, so don't fret too much about it.

Ok, I didn't mean to write a book here, but just wanted to share with you that I'm nodding my head here and wanting you to know that we went through similar behaviors with Milo. You are doing all the right things! All you can do is take it day by day.

Oh, and now you have me wondering about his name! I can't wait to hear about it!!!

Much love and good vibes sent your way!

By: Alison Thu, 24 Dec 2009 04:53:01 +0000 Hi there, we adopted a 2 year old girl from Karaganda this summer, and live in Cincinnati (we found your blog through Julie & Cody). I appreciate the honesty in your blog, because I had read some oh-so-rosy ones that then made me worry when I didn't feel that way every day. Some of the visits were hard, and I worried too re: enough eye contact. I also worried that our little girl, Valeria, seemed to like our interpreter so much more than us! Reading your blog today, I just felt compelled to tell you a few things. 1. Don't worry re: bonding now or getting enough eye contact now… you have the rest of your lives once you get home! I didn't even feel as attached to Lera as you do to your little guy, and 6 months later we are completely "attached & bonded." 2. The fact that your son has a close relationship with his caregiver really bodes means he CAN attach. So don't burn calories worrying about that – I worried far too much, for naught. 3. With Lera being 2 also, I worried re: leaving her, but she was fine. Our caregivers taped our picture to her head board and showed it to her each day. And your idea re the song is great – that worked for us too! All the best to you!!! Your son is just gorgeous. And thank again for your honesty, it is a service to future adoptive parents! – Alison in Ohio – our blog is if you want to check it out!

By: Alison Thu, 24 Dec 2009 04:53:01 +0000 Hi there, we adopted a 2 year old girl from Karaganda this summer, and live in Cincinnati (we found your blog through Julie & Cody). I appreciate the honesty in your blog, because I had read some oh-so-rosy ones that then made me worry when I didn't feel that way every day. Some of the visits were hard, and I worried too re: enough eye contact. I also worried that our little girl, Valeria, seemed to like our interpreter so much more than us! Reading your blog today, I just felt compelled to tell you a few things. 1. Don't worry re: bonding now or getting enough eye contact now… you have the rest of your lives once you get home! I didn't even feel as attached to Lera as you do to your little guy, and 6 months later we are completely "attached & bonded." 2. The fact that your son has a close relationship with his caregiver really bodes means he CAN attach. So don't burn calories worrying about that – I worried far too much, for naught. 3. With Lera being 2 also, I worried re: leaving her, but she was fine. Our caregivers taped our picture to her head board and showed it to her each day. And your idea re the song is great – that worked for us too! All the best to you!!! Your son is just gorgeous. And thank again for your honesty, it is a service to future adoptive parents! – Alison in Ohio – our blog is if you want to check it out!
