I am grateful that this day is over.
I am grateful that in between stress, I had moments of calm.
I am grateful for the amount I accomplished today.
I am grateful for my brother who took my kids for many hours today, a bonus, as it would have been too much to accomplish all I did with me.
I am grateful my own doctor and the kids’ pediatrician gave me antibiotics for our travels to Kazakhstan, should we need them, and they are all packed away.
I am grateful for the huge amount of Rite Aid medication already packed away for the trip.
I am grateful for Lea and her amazing advice tonight about so many details of the trip, restaurants, people I’ll be working with, visa application and more.
I am grateful that even though I wasted over an hour in the Police Dept today waiting for fingerprints to take place that never did, they will take place at 9am tomorrow without a problem.
I am grateful for my doctor giving me a last minute appointment tonight at 8:30 pm to come in to get a medical exam for the report i will need.
I am grateful to have found an international adoption specialist to trust that will do wonders for my peace of mind while in Kaz.
I am grateful that the kids and I are taking natural healing herbs to boost our immunity and so far it’s working. Eden was one of 5 kids in school today when there are usually 22. I hope she stays strong!
I am grateful that the scary dreams I am having the past three nights are just irrational fears manifesting themselves in the night.
I am grateful for Lea’s reminding me what a beautiful experience it was to meet her son.
I am grateful for Sharon’s gentle reminder to take care of myself.
I am grateful for the Simon’s gift of music and their inspiration.
I am grateful I can always talk to my mom and vent, even though I feel I vent entirely too much.
I am grateful that it’s just gonna be a crazy few weeks of preparation and I’ll get through it.
I am grateful to be open and honest about my experiences. They are human experiences after all.
I am grateful that this is all just “stuff” — the important thing is a little boy who has yet to find out he has a mom and a dad and two big sisters waiting to love him.
I am grateful for the calm I feel right now, putting it all in perspective.
I am grateful for my conviction and great big heart.
I am grateful for my Family of 5, slowly but surely, making its way into being.
I am grateful for all of you.