Comments on: Recurring Dream Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:49:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hanks Family Adoption Journey Fri, 19 Dec 2008 17:19:01 +0000 I have had that SAME dream since I was little…..a wicker basket…a baby in a blanket…left at my front door. Thats so strange that I just read your post because I have NEVER told anyone about those dreams.

By: Hanks Family Adoption Journey Fri, 19 Dec 2008 17:19:01 +0000 I have had that SAME dream since I was little…..a wicker basket…a baby in a blanket…left at my front door. Thats so strange that I just read your post because I have NEVER told anyone about those dreams.

By: Min/El Tue, 16 Dec 2008 21:53:46 +0000 Ah, definitely! I’ve had similar dreams all my life even going so far as to finding a newborn babe in the bushes at a local park!

By: Min/El Tue, 16 Dec 2008 21:53:46 +0000 Ah, definitely! I’ve had similar dreams all my life even going so far as to finding a newborn babe in the bushes at a local park!

By: Min/El Tue, 16 Dec 2008 21:53:46 +0000 Ah, definitely! I’ve had similar dreams all my life even going so far as to finding a newborn babe in the bushes at a local park!

By: Jennifer Tue, 16 Dec 2008 05:56:01 +0000 I haven’t told anyone but my husband this, but yes, I’ve had reccuring dreams about children, but in mine, it wasn’t about how they came to me, but that in my dreams for as long as I can remember, I’ve never had a newborn. Even babies that supposedly came from me (I never dreamed of a birth, only of coming home with a swaddled child), were old enough to crawl and sit up. And some were already toddlers and could talk! I was always baffled by those ones- how could I give birth to a child that talked?! lol!

That was the recurring theme- I always had lots of children, but none of them were ever newborns in my dreams.

I never gave it much thought until well after we started the adoption process. I was in awe when I thought back on it. Kind of like one of those moments that something just ‘clicks’ and you get goose bumps. It makes me wonder if I truly was meant to adopt all of my children (as far as we are aware- we can both procreate), and if I either knew that deep inside of me since I was a little girl, or if God was starting early by putting these thoughts on my heart even as a child.

(You can see why I haven’t told anyone besides my husband! People might think I’m crazy!) 🙂

I think your dream is wonderful. It made me smile as your description is so sweet.

By: Jennifer Tue, 16 Dec 2008 05:56:01 +0000 I haven’t told anyone but my husband this, but yes, I’ve had reccuring dreams about children, but in mine, it wasn’t about how they came to me, but that in my dreams for as long as I can remember, I’ve never had a newborn. Even babies that supposedly came from me (I never dreamed of a birth, only of coming home with a swaddled child), were old enough to crawl and sit up. And some were already toddlers and could talk! I was always baffled by those ones- how could I give birth to a child that talked?! lol!

That was the recurring theme- I always had lots of children, but none of them were ever newborns in my dreams.

I never gave it much thought until well after we started the adoption process. I was in awe when I thought back on it. Kind of like one of those moments that something just ‘clicks’ and you get goose bumps. It makes me wonder if I truly was meant to adopt all of my children (as far as we are aware- we can both procreate), and if I either knew that deep inside of me since I was a little girl, or if God was starting early by putting these thoughts on my heart even as a child.

(You can see why I haven’t told anyone besides my husband! People might think I’m crazy!) 🙂

I think your dream is wonderful. It made me smile as your description is so sweet.

By: Jennifer Tue, 16 Dec 2008 05:56:01 +0000 I haven’t told anyone but my husband this, but yes, I’ve had reccuring dreams about children, but in mine, it wasn’t about how they came to me, but that in my dreams for as long as I can remember, I’ve never had a newborn. Even babies that supposedly came from me (I never dreamed of a birth, only of coming home with a swaddled child), were old enough to crawl and sit up. And some were already toddlers and could talk! I was always baffled by those ones- how could I give birth to a child that talked?! lol!

That was the recurring theme- I always had lots of children, but none of them were ever newborns in my dreams.

I never gave it much thought until well after we started the adoption process. I was in awe when I thought back on it. Kind of like one of those moments that something just ‘clicks’ and you get goose bumps. It makes me wonder if I truly was meant to adopt all of my children (as far as we are aware- we can both procreate), and if I either knew that deep inside of me since I was a little girl, or if God was starting early by putting these thoughts on my heart even as a child.

(You can see why I haven’t told anyone besides my husband! People might think I’m crazy!) 🙂

I think your dream is wonderful. It made me smile as your description is so sweet.
