Comments on: Random Musings Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:45:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Our Family of Bloggers Wed, 16 Jul 2008 04:21:42 +0000 Sounds like you had a great little getaway. I’ve heard that Austin is a pretty neat place and always wanted to go there.

So, please- come to Phoenix!!! That would be so much fun! No guarantees we’ll go to a temple, but we could do Shabbat dinner 🙂

I just read Forever Lily and was completely enthralled by it. Such a wonderful story.

And one last thing- I’m so glad that you know! 🙂

By: Our Family of Bloggers Wed, 16 Jul 2008 04:21:42 +0000 Sounds like you had a great little getaway. I’ve heard that Austin is a pretty neat place and always wanted to go there.

So, please- come to Phoenix!!! That would be so much fun! No guarantees we’ll go to a temple, but we could do Shabbat dinner 🙂

I just read Forever Lily and was completely enthralled by it. Such a wonderful story.

And one last thing- I’m so glad that you know! 🙂

By: Lola Granola Tue, 15 Jul 2008 03:43:34 +0000 I just wanted to say congrats on making the decision and taking the first steps. I haven’t been blogging but we are moving along, finished the home study visits and compiling papers.

When we went to our adoption education, there was couple there who had adopted a toddler from China, as we hope to do. She once said to them, “What took you so long to come and get me?”

I just keep thinking about that! Makes me get those papers shuffled faster, even while still plugging along at all the other stuff.

Our kids met the social worker at the last visit but still don’t know anything’s really decided. I want to tell the, and everyone, when we have a file!

By: Lola Granola Tue, 15 Jul 2008 03:43:34 +0000 I just wanted to say congrats on making the decision and taking the first steps. I haven’t been blogging but we are moving along, finished the home study visits and compiling papers.

When we went to our adoption education, there was couple there who had adopted a toddler from China, as we hope to do. She once said to them, “What took you so long to come and get me?”

I just keep thinking about that! Makes me get those papers shuffled faster, even while still plugging along at all the other stuff.

Our kids met the social worker at the last visit but still don’t know anything’s really decided. I want to tell the, and everyone, when we have a file!

By: Lola Granola Tue, 15 Jul 2008 03:43:34 +0000 I just wanted to say congrats on making the decision and taking the first steps. I haven’t been blogging but we are moving along, finished the home study visits and compiling papers.

When we went to our adoption education, there was couple there who had adopted a toddler from China, as we hope to do. She once said to them, “What took you so long to come and get me?”

I just keep thinking about that! Makes me get those papers shuffled faster, even while still plugging along at all the other stuff.

Our kids met the social worker at the last visit but still don’t know anything’s really decided. I want to tell the, and everyone, when we have a file!

By: Monica Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:44:18 +0000 I’m so happy for you! Happy that you got to get away to relax and happy that you really are on the path to your son even if you haven’t signed a contract yet. I don’t know if I wrote that email to you. I might have. You and I were going thru that hoping/maybe/please/scary/okayletsdoit phase together back in the winter and so I feel such a real connection to your journey too! I can say that I feel it IS going to happen for you and you’re so smart to get the homestudy going now. I do wonder if you might still be considering Kyrgyz tho? Is that why you haven’t signed on with an agency yet? We are SO close to being ready to submit our dossier and it is SO exciting!!!
Best wishes to you.

By: Monica Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:44:18 +0000 I’m so happy for you! Happy that you got to get away to relax and happy that you really are on the path to your son even if you haven’t signed a contract yet. I don’t know if I wrote that email to you. I might have. You and I were going thru that hoping/maybe/please/scary/okayletsdoit phase together back in the winter and so I feel such a real connection to your journey too! I can say that I feel it IS going to happen for you and you’re so smart to get the homestudy going now. I do wonder if you might still be considering Kyrgyz tho? Is that why you haven’t signed on with an agency yet? We are SO close to being ready to submit our dossier and it is SO exciting!!!
Best wishes to you.

By: Monica Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:44:18 +0000 I’m so happy for you! Happy that you got to get away to relax and happy that you really are on the path to your son even if you haven’t signed a contract yet. I don’t know if I wrote that email to you. I might have. You and I were going thru that hoping/maybe/please/scary/okayletsdoit phase together back in the winter and so I feel such a real connection to your journey too! I can say that I feel it IS going to happen for you and you’re so smart to get the homestudy going now. I do wonder if you might still be considering Kyrgyz tho? Is that why you haven’t signed on with an agency yet? We are SO close to being ready to submit our dossier and it is SO exciting!!!
Best wishes to you.
