Comments on: More Action, Less Thought — But A Few Thoughts For Now Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:45:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Monica Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:02:23 +0000 For us the decision to choose Kyrgyzstan over Kaz was two-fold: younger babies & shorter in-country time. But Kaz is a much bigger country so it does seem that there are MORE available children in Kaz and that the economy is better so perhaps the children are more provided for while in the orphanage. I agree with Sara… go with your heart on this! But if the in-country time is going to be toooooo long for you or your husband then choose Kyrgyzstan.

Eden WILL come around eventually. I have been through this with a few children already and it is very typical for children ages 3-5 to “not like babies” but by age 5-6 when the baby is approaching age 2 they suddenly LOVE the baby. That might be another reason to choose Kaz for your family because you will get an older baby from Kaz who will already be able to play some and that might be more appealing to Eden.

I agree to not speak of this much more in front of Eden right now so that you don’t cause her stress. Your social worker for your homestudy though will want to meet your children when she comes to your home.

By: Monica Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:02:23 +0000 For us the decision to choose Kyrgyzstan over Kaz was two-fold: younger babies & shorter in-country time. But Kaz is a much bigger country so it does seem that there are MORE available children in Kaz and that the economy is better so perhaps the children are more provided for while in the orphanage. I agree with Sara… go with your heart on this! But if the in-country time is going to be toooooo long for you or your husband then choose Kyrgyzstan.

Eden WILL come around eventually. I have been through this with a few children already and it is very typical for children ages 3-5 to “not like babies” but by age 5-6 when the baby is approaching age 2 they suddenly LOVE the baby. That might be another reason to choose Kaz for your family because you will get an older baby from Kaz who will already be able to play some and that might be more appealing to Eden.

I agree to not speak of this much more in front of Eden right now so that you don’t cause her stress. Your social worker for your homestudy though will want to meet your children when she comes to your home.

By: Monica Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:02:23 +0000 For us the decision to choose Kyrgyzstan over Kaz was two-fold: younger babies & shorter in-country time. But Kaz is a much bigger country so it does seem that there are MORE available children in Kaz and that the economy is better so perhaps the children are more provided for while in the orphanage. I agree with Sara… go with your heart on this! But if the in-country time is going to be toooooo long for you or your husband then choose Kyrgyzstan.

Eden WILL come around eventually. I have been through this with a few children already and it is very typical for children ages 3-5 to “not like babies” but by age 5-6 when the baby is approaching age 2 they suddenly LOVE the baby. That might be another reason to choose Kaz for your family because you will get an older baby from Kaz who will already be able to play some and that might be more appealing to Eden.

I agree to not speak of this much more in front of Eden right now so that you don’t cause her stress. Your social worker for your homestudy though will want to meet your children when she comes to your home.

By: Dorothy, Mike and Grace Wed, 11 Jun 2008 00:53:01 +0000 We currently don’t have a blog.If you have any comments/questions I would love to here from you.My email is [email protected] care Dot

By: Dorothy, Mike and Grace Wed, 11 Jun 2008 00:53:01 +0000 We currently don’t have a blog.If you have any comments/questions I would love to here from you.My email is [email protected] care Dot

By: Dorothy, Mike and Grace Wed, 11 Jun 2008 00:53:01 +0000 We currently don’t have a blog.If you have any comments/questions I would love to here from you.My email is [email protected] care Dot

By: Our Family of Bloggers Mon, 09 Jun 2008 15:43:28 +0000 Hi Steph,
Don’t be discouraged about “the hoops.” The hoops are all worth it. I think many people are thinking Kyrg for a number of reasons. Kaz is a wonderful, wonderful place to adopt from. The children are beautiful, the care in the Baby Homes is phenomenal, and the country itself is lovely. Follow your heart. If you think he’s in Kaz, that’s where he is. Try not to second guess yourself too much (I know- easier said than done.)
That is so special that your family and the Baias have been able to spend more time together. I love that Emma thought Gabi would speak English in 2 weeks! Eden will come around. She’ll be so excited to be a big sister when the time comes. Love the pic of the two big sisters to be!

By: Our Family of Bloggers Mon, 09 Jun 2008 15:43:28 +0000 Hi Steph,
Don’t be discouraged about “the hoops.” The hoops are all worth it. I think many people are thinking Kyrg for a number of reasons. Kaz is a wonderful, wonderful place to adopt from. The children are beautiful, the care in the Baby Homes is phenomenal, and the country itself is lovely. Follow your heart. If you think he’s in Kaz, that’s where he is. Try not to second guess yourself too much (I know- easier said than done.)
That is so special that your family and the Baias have been able to spend more time together. I love that Emma thought Gabi would speak English in 2 weeks! Eden will come around. She’ll be so excited to be a big sister when the time comes. Love the pic of the two big sisters to be!

By: Our Family of Bloggers Mon, 09 Jun 2008 15:43:28 +0000 Hi Steph,
Don’t be discouraged about “the hoops.” The hoops are all worth it. I think many people are thinking Kyrg for a number of reasons. Kaz is a wonderful, wonderful place to adopt from. The children are beautiful, the care in the Baby Homes is phenomenal, and the country itself is lovely. Follow your heart. If you think he’s in Kaz, that’s where he is. Try not to second guess yourself too much (I know- easier said than done.)
That is so special that your family and the Baias have been able to spend more time together. I love that Emma thought Gabi would speak English in 2 weeks! Eden will come around. She’ll be so excited to be a big sister when the time comes. Love the pic of the two big sisters to be!

By: Rose Sun, 08 Jun 2008 04:14:11 +0000 Hi Stephanie,

I’m working with Colene, and may have to switch to Krygyzstan if Kaz changes their laws and stops allowing single women to adopt. My feeling is that the decision will be made for me, so I’m not switching until someone tells me I have to…I really don’t believe I’m “in charge” here…in a good way! What hoops would a married couple have to jump through for Kaz now? A longer wait? A longer trip? My blog is (I “borrowed” some of your quotes!)
