Comments on: It’s A Small World After All Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:45:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Monica Sun, 15 Jun 2008 02:37:33 +0000 I do love this community and following along with such AMAZING journeys. I also have ALWAYS enjoyed encouraging other people to expand their families. I have joked on many occasions with friends that I have talked many people into having too many children! Ofcourse you can NEVER have tooooo many babies in my opinion because they are all unique blessings! Anyway, this is my nature to want everyone to have LOTS of LOVE & NOISE in their homes so I have very naturally fallen right into supporting the expansion of families via adoption now too. I’m so overjoyed that in the time I have known you we have BOTH now taken REAL steps towards the wonderful children that are meant to join our families. I do hope that some day when we each have our new little ones that our families will get to meet sometime too!

By: Monica Sun, 15 Jun 2008 02:37:33 +0000 I do love this community and following along with such AMAZING journeys. I also have ALWAYS enjoyed encouraging other people to expand their families. I have joked on many occasions with friends that I have talked many people into having too many children! Ofcourse you can NEVER have tooooo many babies in my opinion because they are all unique blessings! Anyway, this is my nature to want everyone to have LOTS of LOVE & NOISE in their homes so I have very naturally fallen right into supporting the expansion of families via adoption now too. I’m so overjoyed that in the time I have known you we have BOTH now taken REAL steps towards the wonderful children that are meant to join our families. I do hope that some day when we each have our new little ones that our families will get to meet sometime too!

By: Monica Sun, 15 Jun 2008 02:37:33 +0000 I do love this community and following along with such AMAZING journeys. I also have ALWAYS enjoyed encouraging other people to expand their families. I have joked on many occasions with friends that I have talked many people into having too many children! Ofcourse you can NEVER have tooooo many babies in my opinion because they are all unique blessings! Anyway, this is my nature to want everyone to have LOTS of LOVE & NOISE in their homes so I have very naturally fallen right into supporting the expansion of families via adoption now too. I’m so overjoyed that in the time I have known you we have BOTH now taken REAL steps towards the wonderful children that are meant to join our families. I do hope that some day when we each have our new little ones that our families will get to meet sometime too!

By: Trudi Sat, 14 Jun 2008 02:26:41 +0000 Hi Stephanie. I am one of your stalkers — grandmother or “Nana T” to Aila, who came home from Kaz 12/31/07 after quite the journey to find her (the blog is And was she worth the wait! We couldn’t be more thrilled. I am so honored to get to know those of you who have or are adopting from Kaz – there is a wonderful, supportive community with you every step of the way. All the best in your journey! Trudi Behr

By: Trudi Sat, 14 Jun 2008 02:26:41 +0000 Hi Stephanie. I am one of your stalkers — grandmother or “Nana T” to Aila, who came home from Kaz 12/31/07 after quite the journey to find her (the blog is And was she worth the wait! We couldn’t be more thrilled. I am so honored to get to know those of you who have or are adopting from Kaz – there is a wonderful, supportive community with you every step of the way. All the best in your journey! Trudi Behr

By: Trudi Sat, 14 Jun 2008 02:26:41 +0000 Hi Stephanie. I am one of your stalkers — grandmother or “Nana T” to Aila, who came home from Kaz 12/31/07 after quite the journey to find her (the blog is And was she worth the wait! We couldn’t be more thrilled. I am so honored to get to know those of you who have or are adopting from Kaz – there is a wonderful, supportive community with you every step of the way. All the best in your journey! Trudi Behr

By: Catalina Sat, 14 Jun 2008 02:26:13 +0000 Hi Steph!!! This world is small and I am so glad we met :). We are getting ready for next Sunday party ;).
Catalina & co

By: Catalina Sat, 14 Jun 2008 02:26:13 +0000 Hi Steph!!! This world is small and I am so glad we met :). We are getting ready for next Sunday party ;).
Catalina & co

By: Catalina Sat, 14 Jun 2008 02:26:13 +0000 Hi Steph!!! This world is small and I am so glad we met :). We are getting ready for next Sunday party ;).
Catalina & co
