Comments on: Until then … Adoption changed my life. I write about this and so much more. Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:30:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lola Granola Tue, 25 Mar 2008 02:21:37 +0000 Just a “reply comment!” I sure didn’t mean you should do it our way, only that we’re where you are mentally even as we move things forward! I am looking forward to keeping up with you, too.

Have you found any other good bloggers just starting with the process?

🙂 Lola

By: Lola Granola Tue, 25 Mar 2008 02:21:37 +0000 Just a “reply comment!” I sure didn’t mean you should do it our way, only that we’re where you are mentally even as we move things forward! I am looking forward to keeping up with you, too.

Have you found any other good bloggers just starting with the process?

🙂 Lola

By: Lola Granola Mon, 24 Mar 2008 02:39:07 +0000 It is good to find someone else at this stage! My blog has, for whatever reason, been very focused on how to do this, what to do, lately–but we are still in the decision making process even as we move the process forward. I guess that’s kind of the way we are–something i’ve been realizing very strongly as this happens. I am the mover and shaker, but my husband is the support for that. He likes my crazy ideas, they have created his life for him, but he needs me to have them.
And we both tend to pretend we haven’t really decided to do something while we come to terms with doing it. Because he has to be 100% with this, cold feet okay but not regrets in the making. ANd so do I.
So I will still be blogging about the decisions at every step. The first social worker visit–that will be a biggie. And there will be another are we really doing this conversation before that happens.
And we might not do it. We really, really might not.
So I am very happy at the prospect of watching you all make the final decision, too! (And three in Brooklyn…well, that’s a decision with a lot of ramifications.)

Lola Granola
(My blogger account isn’t showing up right here–that’s me at

By: Stephanie and Gary Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:50:08 +0000 Thank you Monica for your kind words, and thanks so much for sharing your story with me. It’s amazing what can happen in a life time — you think it’s going to be one way and then, through heartache and pain and just growing up in general, it becomes something else. I admire you so much! What a huge heart you have. Not so sure about the siblings exactly, but it’s pretty amazing that for a man who has yet to make a decision, he says he would never want to leave a sibling behind and would be open to it. Thanks for reading! and yes, as per your other post, my autograph is forthcoming! ha!

By: Stephanie and Gary Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:50:08 +0000 Thank you Monica for your kind words, and thanks so much for sharing your story with me. It’s amazing what can happen in a life time — you think it’s going to be one way and then, through heartache and pain and just growing up in general, it becomes something else. I admire you so much! What a huge heart you have. Not so sure about the siblings exactly, but it’s pretty amazing that for a man who has yet to make a decision, he says he would never want to leave a sibling behind and would be open to it. Thanks for reading! and yes, as per your other post, my autograph is forthcoming! ha!

By: Monica Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:41:11 +0000 It is important to wait till the right moment to “get on the bus” and I think you have been moving thru the decision process beautifully and thoughtfully. Writing here does help!

With you in mind specifically I think the hold will have a positive affect and effect on your family because it makes you think about how MUCH you really want this journey. I had that experience related to a very inopportune pregnancy (would have been our 4th baby) that sadly ended a week after I had just begun to process it and get excited despite the surprise and BAD timing. We had thought we were done after our 3rd baby but losing that little one that was with me so briefly openned my eyes to what I really knew I always wanted which was a BIG family — look at us now!
6 really is it for us though. We filled out the immigration paperwork and only put ONE and will not be changing that for siblings. But I’m EXCITED that you might get siblings. I think that would be a FANTASTIC thing for your family!

By: Monica Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:41:11 +0000 It is important to wait till the right moment to “get on the bus” and I think you have been moving thru the decision process beautifully and thoughtfully. Writing here does help!

With you in mind specifically I think the hold will have a positive affect and effect on your family because it makes you think about how MUCH you really want this journey. I had that experience related to a very inopportune pregnancy (would have been our 4th baby) that sadly ended a week after I had just begun to process it and get excited despite the surprise and BAD timing. We had thought we were done after our 3rd baby but losing that little one that was with me so briefly openned my eyes to what I really knew I always wanted which was a BIG family — look at us now!
6 really is it for us though. We filled out the immigration paperwork and only put ONE and will not be changing that for siblings. But I’m EXCITED that you might get siblings. I think that would be a FANTASTIC thing for your family!

By: Monica Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:41:11 +0000 It is important to wait till the right moment to “get on the bus” and I think you have been moving thru the decision process beautifully and thoughtfully. Writing here does help!

With you in mind specifically I think the hold will have a positive affect and effect on your family because it makes you think about how MUCH you really want this journey. I had that experience related to a very inopportune pregnancy (would have been our 4th baby) that sadly ended a week after I had just begun to process it and get excited despite the surprise and BAD timing. We had thought we were done after our 3rd baby but losing that little one that was with me so briefly openned my eyes to what I really knew I always wanted which was a BIG family — look at us now!
6 really is it for us though. We filled out the immigration paperwork and only put ONE and will not be changing that for siblings. But I’m EXCITED that you might get siblings. I think that would be a FANTASTIC thing for your family!
